Saturday, November 16, 2013

하기의 내용은 불우한 이웃들과 더불어 나누는 좋은 소식입니다.
귀하에게도 좋은 소식이 되시기를 기원합니다.
2013년 11월 15일 
< 천국은 좋은 씨를 제 밭에 뿌린 사람 >
--- 마태복음 13:24-30 ---

 좋은 밭에 
<좋은 씨>를 뿌렸으면 
그것으로 다 된 것이냐?
--- 여전히 문젯거리가 있다! ---
사람들이 잘 때에 
원수가 좋은 밭에 와서
  잽싸게 <가라지 씨>를 뿌리고 간다.
<곡식>과 <가라지>가 
좋은 밭에서 함께 섞여 자라게 되는 것이다.
생긴 모습도 비슷하고 
자라는 과정도 비슷하니
( 허지만 가라지는 번창력이 매우 왕성하다!)
가라지를 뽑다가 
곡식을 상하게 할 것이 염려되니
그냥 내버려 두라는 것이다.

추수 때가 되면 
곡식은 곡식의 열매를 맺고
   가라지는 가라지의 열매를 맺을 것이니
가라지들을 먼저 뽑아 
단으로 묶어 불태워 버리고 
곡식들은 추수하여
곳간에 넣으라는 것이다. 
추수 때에 
가라지들과 곡식들의 판별이 명확하게 되는 것은 
제 밭의 주인이 뿌린 좋은 씨앗(種子)들이
곡식의 열매를 맺지 못하는 가라지의 씨앗( the seeds of Tares )들과
근본적으로 다르기 때문에.. <그 열매>로서 판가름이 난다는 사실이다.
한마디로 말해 
종자의 화신(化身)이 근본적으로 다르다.
곡식의 종자는 곡식으로 화신(Incarnation)이 되고,
가리지의 종자는 가라지로 (화신/化身)이 되는 
엄연한 사실을 핵심적인 문제로 삼고 있는 것이다.
근본적인 문제가 되는 것은 
종자(種子/씨앗)의 성질(性과 質)이 본질적으로 다르다는 점이다.
종자가 다르다는 것은 
화신(化身/Incarnation)하는 근본적인 내용도 
크게 다르기 때문에
곡식의 종자는 곡식의 열매를 맺고,
가라지의 종자는 가라지의 열매를 맺는 것이 
지극히 당연하다는 점을 강조하고 있다.
이렇게 말하는 것은 
객관적(客觀的)인 입장에서 볼 때에
매우 타당한 것이다. 

주관적(主觀的)인 "제 밭"(아전/我田/24절)의 
관점에서 볼 때에는 어떠한가? 
<제 밭>이란 
자신의 < 심전/心田>을 말한다.
자신의 심전(心田)에 <좋은 씨>를 뿌렸는데
어찌하여 <가라지>가 거기서 함께 자라게 되느냐?
그것은 밭 주인이 아닌.. 원수가 <가라지 씨>를 덧뿌렸기 때문이다(25절).
원수가 보기에도 제 밭(38절)이 좋을 뿐더러
<좋은 씨앗>들과 함께 자라면서
<좋은 씨>의 성장 조건과 환경의 혜택을
아주 손쉽게 누릴 수 있기 때문이다.
이것은 제 <밭의 주인>의 입장에서 볼 때에,
명백한 불법 행위이다.(41절).
"인자가 천사들을 보내어
모든 넘어지게 하는 것과
또 불법을 행하는 자들을 거두어 내어
풀무불에 던져 넣으리니
거기서 울며 이를 갊이 있으리라."하였다. (41,42절)

가라지는 가라지의 열매를 맺고,
곡식은 곡식의 열매를 맺으니
이같은 실제 상황이 벌어지는
자신의 심전(心田)에다
어떠한 농사를 짓는 것이 마땅하겠느냐 하고
엄중히 경고하시는 내용이다.
자신의 심전(心田)에서 줄기차게 성장하는 것들의
본질적인 정체(씨앗성/種子性)이
가라지의 화신(化身)이냐
아니면, 곡식의 화신(化身)이냐 하는 것은
<제 밭의 주인>이(24절)
이미 훤하게 알고 있을 것이니
어떤 종자를
자신의 심전(心田)에서
번창케 할 것인지는 각자(各者)의선택에 달렸지만,
그것을 심판하시는 일은
천부(天父)께 있다는 것이다.(43절)

"귀 있는 자는 들으라"(43)고 하셨다.

이 세상(心田)에서 
천국의 종자를 보존하여 
 천국의 열매를 맺는 일이 
가장 중요한 일이다.  
우리가 천국의 종자를 온전히 보존치 못하면
1억의 예배당을 이 땅에 세운다고 할찌라도
세월따라 모두 잿더미로 돌아가 버리고 말겠지만은...
천국의 씨앗(種子)을
단 하나라도 보존하면
그 씨앗 하나로 인하여
밤하늘의 별처럼...
해변의 모래알처럼...
수많은 <천국의 열매>가 맺히게 될 것이다. (요한4:32-34)

거리복음선교의 우범(愚凡), 건 작 이가 썼음
2013년 11월 15일

< Street Gospel Mission Church's Sunday Worships & Communion Services >
on November 17, 2013, are held as follow-on: 
(1) at 7:00am in 550 15th Street & San Bruno Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94103
(2) at 8:30am in 5th Street between Harrsion & Bryant, San Francisco, CA 94107
=== (3) at 4:00pm in 1611 Stanford Avenue (*University Church*), Palo Alto, CA 94306
*** Mobile Phone Contact at: 650-995-3336; 650-291-6010;
                            Office at: 650-369-7151

< Matthew 13:24-30 >

Ὡμοιώθη -- is/was likened
οὐρανῶν ἀνθρώπῳ -- heavens to a man
καλὸν σπέρμα -- good seed
καθεύδειν -- ( to sleep )
ἐπέσπειρεν ζιζάνια ἀνὰ μέσον τοῦ σίτου -- oversowed tares
in between the wheat.
πόθεν οὖν ἔχει ζιζάνια -- whence then has it tares.
Ἐχθρὸς ἄνθρωπος -- an enemy man
συλλέξωμεν --we may collect them 
Συλλέξατε πρῶτον τὰ ζιζάνια -- collect ye first tares
κατακαῦσαι -- to burn
The Parable of the Weeds among the Wheat.24He proposed another parable to them.* “The kingdom of heaven may be likened to a man who sowed good seed in his field.25While everyone was asleep his enemy came and sowed weeds* all through the wheat, and then went off.26When the crop grew and bore fruit, the weeds appeared as well.27The slaves of the householder came to him and said, ‘Master, did you not sow good seed in your field? Where have the weeds come from?’28He answered, ‘An enemy has done this.’ His slaves said to him, ‘Do you want us to go and pull them up?’29He replied, ‘No, if you pull up the weeds you might uproot the wheat along with them.30Let them grow together until harvest;* then at harvest time I will say to the harvesters, “First collect the weeds and tie them in bundles for burning; but gather the wheat into my barn.”

 < Genesis 13:15-16 >

and to offspring of you
זַרְעֲ:( offspring )
עַד־עֹולָֽם -- forever 
 כַּעֲפַ֣ר -- like dust of
 וְשַׂמְתִּ֥י -- and I will make
15all the land that you see I will give to you and your descendants forever.16I will make your descendants like the dust of the earth; if anyone could count the dust of the earth, your descendants too might be counted



Sunday, November 10, 2013

       < 씨앗복음/ 種子福音 >

제대로 된 열매를 먹고 싶으면
<씨앗/種子>이 좋아야 한다
<밭뙈기>타령을 먼저 배우지 말고
<씨앗>타령을 먼저 배우는 것이
제대로 된 순서이다.

어떤 <밭>인지는
눈 달린 사람은
보기만 하면 다 알아 챌 수 있겠으나
<종자>가 어떤 <종자>인지는
  밭에 심어보지 않고서는
   그 열매를 알 수 없다.
 제아무리 먹음직하고,
보기좋은 열매가 맺혔다 할지라도
그 열매를 직접 맛보지 않고서는
그 <종자> 의 질(質)과 맛(味)이 어떠한 것인지
모를 수 밖에 없다.

미스터 <아담>과
그의 아내 <이브>가
 죽은 생명이 되어버린 것은
보기좋고 먹음직한 열매가 맺힌 것을 보고
그 <種子>가 좋을 것이라 생각하고
그냥 꿀-꺽해 버렸다는 것이
인간 첫 열매의 <맛보기>라는 것이다.
인생의 열매 맛이
<죽을 맛>인지
<살 맛>인지는
각자가 맛을 보아야 알 수 있는 것이지
누가 대신해서 맛보아 줄 수
없는 일이다.

예수께서 인간에게
맛보여 주고 싶은 천국의 열매는,
천부(天父)의 씨앗(種子)으로 인한 열매이기 때문에
천부(天父)의 천성(天性)이
바로 그 <씨앗>에 있다.
이 씨앗(種子)으로 인하여
예수가 성령으로 잉태되어
세상에 태어 나셨다고 하셨으니...
예수께서 천부(天父)의 천성(天性)을
가장 귀중히 여기시고,
그런 천성(天性)을 몸소 실천하여 가르치시고,
바로 그런 천성(天性)을
생명의 존귀한 <씨앗>으로
취급하시면서 사신 것은
지극히 당연한 일이다.

사람의 마음의 중심(中心)은 어디에 있는가?
천부(天父)의 씨앗(種子)이 귀중한 것이 아니라
눈 앞에 보이는 것들이 중(重)하고
귀에 들리는 것들이 중(重)하기 때문에
천성(天性)으로 된 씨앗(種子)에 대하여
보고 있다고 하나
보고있는 것이 아니요,
듣고 있다고 하나
듣고 있는  것이 아니라고 하신 것이다.
사람의 마음의 중심(heart)이 이처럼 어두우니
<눈>으로 보고 있는 <장님>이요,
<귀>로 듣고 있는 <귀먹어리>라는 것이다.

이게 바로
지랄같은 병통이다.
<성령>으로 사람된 예수께서
씨앗의 비유를 든 것은
사람의 마음의 <밭뙈기>가
발로 짓밟아 놓은 <길가 밭> 같고,
자갈들이 쳐박혀 있는 <돌 밭> 같고,
가시덩쿨이 번창하는  <가시 밭> 같으니,
< 하나님의 씨앗/ 天國種子>이
이런 <밭뙈기>에서는
생명력(生命力)을 발휘할 수 없다는 것을
 몸소 보이신 것이다.

예수께서  <씨앗>의 비유를 들어
이처럼 자상하게 말씀하신 것은
천국(天國)의 속성(屬性)이
어떠한 것인지를  면밀하게 밝히기 위한 것이다.
이같은 천부(天父)의 속성을 알아
직접 그 맛을 보고---
그 비밀(秘密)을 알아 깨닫고 있는 자는 (11절)
더욱 더 받아서 천국의 열매가 넉넉하게 되지만은
그렇지 못한 자는
그 있는 것 마저도
빼앗기게 될 것이라고 선포하고 있다(11,12절):
"To you it has given to know the secrets of the kingdom of heaven,
but to them it has not been given, for to him who has will more be given,
and he will have abundance; but from him who has not,
even what he has will be taken away." --- ( Matthew 13:11-12 )
허기진 거렁뱅이가 따로 있는 것이 아니라,
<하나님 나라>의 떡 맛( 요한복음 6:33-39 )을 모르는 자들이
직접 당면(當面)해야만 하는
옹색(壅塞)한 굶주림을 주목하여 보신 것이다.

생명(生命)의 보존은 열매에 있다.
그리고 열매의 근본은 씨앗(種子)에 있다.
<식량>의 근원은 씨앗(種子)이다.
씨앗(種子)를 지키는 일이야 말로 <생명의 근원>이다.
<복음/福音>은 생명의 근원이다.
생명의 근원 <生命의 根源>을 깨닫고
그 근원(根源)을 지키면---
<천국의 열매>를 맺을 수 없는
모든 <밭뙈기>들은
허공의 연기(煙氣)처럼 사라져 버린다!

<땅>은 그저 <땅>일 뿐이다.
땅이 굳었으면, 뒤집어 엎으면 될 일이요,
돌맹이가 박혔으면 파내면 될 일이요,
가시덩굴이 자라면 뽑으면 될 일이다.
이제는 <밭뙈기 타령>은
그만 집어치워 버리고,
생명의 근원(根源)을 몸소 맛보고,
그 근원(根源)을 온 힘과 뜻과 정성을 다해
사수(死守)하는 작업부터 시작하지 않으면
우리는 모두 망쪼가 들어버릴 것이다.

Jesus said to them,
"My food is to do the will of him who sent me,
and to accomplish his work."  < John 4:34 >

거리복음선교 목자,
우범(愚凡), 이 건작 씀
2013년 11월 8일

< Street Gospel Mission Church's Sunday Worships & Communion Services >
on November 10, 2013, are held as follow-on: 
(1) at 7:00am in 550 15th Street & San Bruno Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94103
(2) at 8:30am in 5th Street between Harrsion & Bryant, San Francisco, CA 94107
=== (3) at 4:00pm in 1611 Stanford Avenue (*University Church*), Palo Alto, CA 94306
*** Mobile Phone Contact at: 650-995-3336; 650-291-6010;
                            Office at: 650-369-7151

< Matthew 13:1-9 >

συνήχθησαν -- were assembled
ἐμβάντα -- embarking
ἐξῆλθεν ὁ σπείρων -- went out the(one) sowing
σπείρειν -- to sow
παρὰ τὴν ὁδόν -- beside the way
πετρώδη -- rocky places
ἀκάνθας -- thorns
κουέτω -- let him hear

 On that day, Jesus went out of the house and sat down by the sea.2Such large crowds gathered around him that he got into a boat and sat down, and the whole crowd stood along the shore.3 And he spoke to them at length in parables,  saying: “A sower went out to sow.4And as he sowed, some seed fell on the path, and birds came and ate it up.5Some fell on rocky ground, where it had little soil. It sprang up at once because the soil was not deep,6and when the sun rose it was scorched, and it withered for lack of roots.7Some seed fell among thorns, and the thorns grew up and choked it.8But some seed fell on rich soil, and produced fruit, a hundred or sixty or thirtyfold.9Whoever has ears ought to hear.”


< Genesis 1:11,12 >

 מַזְרִיעַ זֶרַע -- seed, seed-bearing
לְמִינוֹ -- to-kind-of-him
 תַּדְשֵׁא -- let her produce
עֵץ פְּרִי עֹשֶׂה פְּרִי -- fruit bearing fruit tree
זַרְעוֹ-בוֹ -- in him seed of him
11Then God said: Let the earth bring forth vegetation: every kind of plant that bears seed and every kind of fruit tree on earth that bears fruit with its seed in it. And so it happened:12the earth brought forth vegetation: every kind of plant that bears seed and every kind of fruit tree that bears fruit with its seed in it. God saw that it was good.

God said, "I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food."   < Genesis 1:29 >

Matthew 13:1-9; 18-23

 As Jesus sat by the seaside teaching, He began to talk about an image with which everyone present was familiar. He talked about a man taking seed into a field. He pictured that man casting the seed upon the earth. This seed fell upon the ground and landed upon differing types of soils. Some of the seed brought forth fruit, other seed did not. Jesus used this common image to teach those who heard Him about the condition of the human heart. Here, we see that the sower is the Holy Spirit, the seed is the Gospel of grace and the soil is the human heart. From His words, we learn that the human heart is like soil. It can either receive the seed of the Gospel and produce a harvest of spiritual fruit, or it can be unprepared and produce nothing of value for the glory of the name of God. I would ask you to examine your own heart to see what kind of soil you are. 

The sower in this parable is a man who goes into his field with the intention of raising a crop and gleaning a harvest. Such is the case with the Lord God. He sent His Son into the world to die and He sends His Spirit into the world so that He might reap a spiritual harvest. Just as a bountiful harvest brings riches and honor to the farmer, so the salvation of souls brings glory to the name of God.  Even though the plan of God to save the lost is all for His glory, I still praise God for the fact that He devised such a perfect plan to save those who believe! 
Every seed that was sown by the sower had the potential to produce much more  One little seed had the potential to multiply itself 3000%; 6000% and even 10000%. Those of you who farm have seen this principle in action. You can plant one bean seed and from that seed reap many beans, with each pod containing several more seeds. Sow one squash seed and it will produce a plant that yields several fully grown squashes, each containing dozens, if not hundreds or new seeds. Plant one corn seed and watch it produce a plant that will yield several ears, each containing many rows of fresh seeds. The seed had the potential to reproduce itself many times over.
Such is the seed of the Gospel of grace. When it is sown in a ready heart, it will germinate and reproduce itself over and over again. The seed has the potential to begin small and to reproduce much. It is worth noting that the seed always the changes ground in which it is planted. What had been bare earth is now yielding a harvest to the glory of the sower. When the seed of the Gospel finds a lodging place in a heart that has been plowed by the Word of God and tilled by the grace of God, it will germinate and leave that heart forever changed and producing a harvest of spiritual fruit to the glory of God.  This is what the Lord wants from your life and mine! He wants to produce His fruit in the hearts of His redeemed. 
As the sower sowed his seed, it fell upon four distinct kinds of soils. We should mention that each of the soils was good soil, but the condition the soil was in when the seed landed upon it determined its potential for producing a suitable harvest.  ( We are comparing the soils to types of human hearts. Just as there are no bad soils, there are no bad hearts. I know that "the heart is desperately wicked above all things" and I am not trying to contradict the Word of God. What I mean is there is no heart so bad that it shouldn't receive the Gospel message.) The Lord in His grace allows the seed of the Gospel to fall upon hearts of all descriptions. What makes the heart unable to receive the seed is its condition when the Gospel comes to it.  A look at the four types of soils mentioned here is very revealing when it comes to understanding the human heart and why people respond to the Gospel as they do. One of these soils is going to paint a perfect picture of his/her heart. See if you can identify what kind of soil you are. 
1.> The Hard Soil - v. 4, 19 - The "wayside" refers to the narrow footpaths that ran beside and through the fields. These were the roads of the day and the soil on them had become as hard as concrete from the feet of the travelers that had walked upon them. When the seed fell on the footpath, it could not penetrate the soil and it remained there in the open, only to be devoured by the fowls of the air.
We are told that this speaks of the person who hears the Gospel, but who doesn't "understand it". That is, they cannot make the connection between the claims of the Gospel and their own life. Maybe they are steeped in sin and refuse to believe. Maybe they are calloused and cold toward the things of God and refuse to hear. Maybe they have hardened their hearts for years against the call of the Gospel and like a path trampled underfoot for centuries, they have become hard hearted! Whatever their need, they are hard hearted and the seed of the Gospel cannot penetrate the soil of their heart. When this happens, the devil and his minions will snatch away to Gospel seed by diverting the mind and helping the person become even more hardened against God. This person has a heart that is not prepared for work of grace leading to salvation. ( We often wonder how some people can continually spurn the Gospel message! It is because they are hardened to it by their own choice. )     2.> The Stony Soil - v. 5-6; 20-21 - These stony places are common in Palestine. Often there will be an outcropping of limestone rock covered by a thin layer of topsoil. This soil looks like it is ready to be sown. This ground looks good and productive and seed cast here will germinate and quickly spring up into a promising plant. But, because there is no depth of soil, as soon as the sun beats down on the tender plant, it withers and dies without producing any fruit. This kind of soil speaks of that heart that makes an emotional response to the presentation of the Gospel. Perhaps this person heard the Gospel and said, "That's what I need!" Or, perhaps they come because a friend came. Whatever their motive, they make a profession, but it is a shallow one at best. They may even show signs of life in the Lord, but when Christianity doesn't turn out like they thought it would, they quickly fade away and disappear! They shrink away from the radical claims of Christ and the cross, Matt. 16:24. These are the people who make a profession, go like gang busters for a short time, and then wind up right back in the world. Were they saved? No! How do we know for sure? No fruit!   3.>  The Thorny Soil - v. 7; 22 - This soil looks like it is ready to be sown also, but underneath the surface are the living roots and seeds of thorns and weeds. When the seed falls here, it also quickly springs to life and gives every indication that a good harvest will follow. However, the same ground begins to produce the thorns and weeds that were already there and they soon choke out the tender plant. This plant withers and dies without producing any fruit at all.  This is a picture of a heart that tries to have the benefit of the Gospel while still clinging to the thorns of sin. Without a conscious break from the old life of sin this person does not have a chance of being saved. The seed of the Gospel cannot survive to produce fruit in a heart filled with other things. The seed must have the ground or sin must have the ground, but it cannot be shared! Jesus said it was the cares of the world and the quest for earthly riches that spelled disaster for this kind of soil. This kind of person begins well, but soon fades away, having their profession choked out by sin and the world. Were they saved? No! How do we know for sure? No fruit!
4. The Good Soil - v. 8; 23 - Finally, some seed fell onto good ground. This ground had been worked and prepared. It had been plowed and tilled and it was ready to receive the seed when it came. The seed germinated within the heart of the soil and the plant began to grow. When the plant reached maturity, it began to produce fruit that brought honor and gain to the farmer.
This a picture of the heart that has been plowed deeply by the Word of God. It is a picture of a heart that has been tilled and prepared by the grace of God. When the seed of the Gospel hits this kind of heart, it germinates, grows up and bears fruit to the glory of God. This heart alone pictures that kind of life that can truly call itself saved!
Please notice that the only difference between these soils was fruit. On the hard soil, the seed did not penetrate, but it disappeared, being removed by the fowls. In the other three, the seed disappeared within the ground. In the last three soils, a plant resulted, but only the good soil brought forth a harvest! What kind of soil are you?  Has the Gospel message found a lodging place within your heart and life? Are you bearing fruit to the glory of God as you should? ( Don't get hung up on fruit bearing! Some of these plants brought forth more fruit than others, but the point is, they all bore some fruit! If you are saved, your duty is to abide in His holy spirit and He will produce His fruit in your life, as it pleases Him,John 15:1-11. If you will abide in Him, you will find that "fruit happens!"   What kind of soil now is your heart made of?

Wednesday, October 30, 2013

< 너희에게 줄 떡은 없어! >
--- (마태 15:26) ---

사람을 개 취급하면 
어떻게 되느냐?
그거야 뭐--- 
개 취급을 받게 되질 않겠나?

우-찌 이런 험악한 말이 거침없이 
튀어나올 수 있나?

그것은 타이어( Tyre )와 시드온( Sidon ) 땅에서
거드럭 거리며 사는 놈들이 ( Matthew 15:21 ) 
개 똥같기 때문이다.
( 1 Maccabees 5:14-15 )

요 녀석들이 똘똘 뭉쳐 가지고 
<갈릴리> 지방에 쳐들어 와서 
남자들을 처참하게 죽이고, 
여자들을 강간하고,
어린이들을 납치하고,
살아 남은 자들은 
노예로 붙잡아 가버렸으니 
요런 녀석들이 
사는 곳에서 
느이들 미친병 
고쳐주게 생겼어?
니들의 꼬라지가 이러하니
잃어 버린 양에게 먹일 떡을 
개같은 너희에게 주는 것이 마땅 하것냐? 

예수께서 하신 
이 말에...
가나안 여인 (  Syrophoenician )이 부르짖기를... 
< 주-여! 옳소이다! >  --(마태15:27)

옳아?   무엇이 옳-아?
< 개들도 제 주인의 상에서 떨어지는 부스러기를 먹나이다.>
--- 제 주인의 상?
허-- 참으로---
이 여자가
납짝 엎드려서 
<떡 뿌스레기>라도
좀 먹게 해달라고 
애원하는 게 아니가?!

이-건 깡짜 부리는게 아니여!
미친 딸을 가진 <어미>의 하늘같은 측은지심이
바로 천심(天心)이니 
어찌 무심(無心)할 쑤 있겠느냔 말이여!

이런 <믿음>을 
천심(天心)이라 카니...
측은지심(惻隱之心)이 없는 <믿음>은 
냉혹한 마음이요,
늑대같은 심사(心事)라...

고런 냉혹(冷酷)한 마음으로 
갈릴리 사람들을 
잔인하게 살해하고,
노예로 잡았으니---
그런 마심(魔心/마귀의 마음)에서 풀려나---

이 여인의 
너희들의 <애절한 믿음>으로 
본 받아 

그렇지 않으면 
땅바닥에 떨어진
복음의 <뿌스러기> 조차도 
너희는  <맛> 볼 수 없게 될 것이다.

우범, 이 건씀
2013년 10월 30일

Street Gospel Mission Church's Sunday Worships & Communion Services, 
on October 20, 2013, are held as follow-on: 
(1) at 7:00am in 550 15th Street & San Bruno Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94103
(2) at 8:30am in 5th Street between Harrsion & Bryant, San Francisco, CA 94107
=== (3) at 4:00pm in 1611 Stanford Avenue (*University Church*), Palo Alto, CA 94306
*** Mobile Phone Contact at: 650-995-3336; 650-291-6010;
                            Office at: 650-369-7151

< Justice Without Mercy Is Cruelty >
(Mat 15:26)
"It's not fair to take the children's bread and toss it to the dogs."

Contemporary man feels much attracted to God’s mercy, more than his forerunners in bygone eras.
Is this attraction due to the countless wars that marked the last century and still mark the present?
Or is it an effect of the continuing series of natural disasters that have been happening lately?
Be it as it may, what is certain is that both developments make man feel small in the face of situations
that are way beyond his control.
Just like the huge moral crisis that shakes humanity, today’s ambience of unprecedented immorality make stand out even more how man is weak and helpless without divine goodness. This brings to mind the clamor of King David, crying for his sin: If thou, O Lord, wilt mark iniquities: Lord, who shall stand it (Ps 129/130).
On the other hand, when looking at God’s infinite perfection, one should also bear in mind His infinite goodness and endless mercy so that His perfections will not scare us but rather draw us to Him. Thus, a loving and confident consideration of divine mercy and a special devotion to it are abundantly justified; they support us and fill us with the hope of attaining eternal bliss, our final destination.
Yet, since God is infinitely perfect, we cannot limit ourselves to looking at only one of His attributes while leaving aside the others, which are equally infinite. If God had only mercy and no justice, He would be missing something essential to every rational being, which is to act equitably. That would be absurd and would lead to a distorted notion of the Divine nature in goodness.
This is why the King David underlines God’s infinite justice by saying, He [The Lord] hath prepared his throne in judgment: And he shall judge the world in equity, he shall judge the people in justice (Ps. 9: 8-10). And also, The Lord is just, and hath loved justice (Psalm 10:8).    Obviously, there can be no contradiction between divine mercy and justice, but only harmony, as the same guy emphasizes: Mercy and truth have met each other: justice and peace have kissed (Psalm 84:11). Therefore, we must love God’s mercy as much as His justice, as both are attributes of the same infinite God and reflect His boundless wisdom and love.   Mercy is a feeling of compassion with someone’s suffering and needs.  It is therefore more than a merely emotional sentiment that does not lead to action; nor is it mere philanthropy that turns aiding the needy into a quasi bureaucratic procedure.  Mercy must come from true charity toward neighbor and must be entirely subject to the guidance of reason, the judgment of the intelligence, and the dictates of justice. 
Every supernatural virtue comes from the love of God.  Mercy, among virtues, is a summary of Christian life. 
Mercy tempers justice by diminishing the punishment or by making its application more benign. But it cannot run counter to justice or eliminate it.  Thus, when the balance between mercy and justice is lost, the wicked either are allowed to go unpunished or are punished with brutality. Both things lead to social chaos and cause confusion in people’s minds. Indeed, failing to punish one who breaks divine or human laws weakens the notion of good and evil
in people’s consciences and leads to moral relativism. For its part, cruelty in punishment makes justice odious to the people.  A sinner or criminal should be adequately punished for his fault so that justice is done and the sense of justice remains alive in society. Without the sense of justice, life among men degenerates into the law of the jungle. 
Let us love God's perfections in His mercy as well as His justice; for this is the only way for us to understand divine wisdom and sanctity and to be able to imitate them as much as we possibly can.  This is important not only for our spiritual life but also to enable us to make a balanced judgment of our neighbors and understand that mercy cannot destroy justice, otherwise society would be bound to complete collapse.

Street Gospel Mission Church
Pastor: Steven G. Lee ( 우범, 이 건작 )
October 30, 2013
Street Gospel Mission Church's Sunday Worships & Communion Services, 
on October 20, 2013, are held as follow-on: 
(1) at 7:00am in 550 15th Street & San Bruno Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94103
(2) at 8:30am in 5th Street between Harrsion & Bryant, San Francisco, CA 94107
=== (3) at 4:00pm in 1611 Stanford Avenue (*University Church*), Palo Alto, CA 94306
*** Mobile Phone Contact at: 650-995-3336; 650-291-6010;
                            Office at: 650-369-7151


 < Matthew 15:21-28 >

--- The Syrophoenician ( Canaanite ) Women ---

ΚΑΤΑ ΜΑΤΘΑΙΟΝ 15:24,26,28.

 24 ὁ δὲ ἀποκριθεὶς εἶπεν· Οὐκ ἀπεστάλην εἰ μὴ εἰς τὰ πρόβατα τὰ ἀπολωλότα οἴκου Ἰσραήλ.  26 ὁ δὲ ἀποκριθεὶς εἶπεν· Οὐκ ἔστιν καλὸν λαβεῖν τὸν ἄρτον τῶν τέκνων καὶ βαλεῖν τοῖς κυναρίοις.  28 τότε ἀποκριθεὶς ὁ Ἰησοῦς εἶπεν αὐτῇ· Ὦ γύναι, μεγάλη σου ἡ πίστις· γενηθήτω σοι ὡς θέλεις. καὶ ἰάθη ἡ θυγάτηρ αὐτῆς ἀπὸ τῆς ὥρας ἐκείνης.

ἀπεστάλην -- I was not sent
πρόβατα -- sheep
ἀπολωλότα -- lost
Οὐκ ἔστιν καλὸν -- Not It is good
τὸν ἄρτον τῶν τέκνων -- the bread of children 
βαλεῖν τοῖς κυναρίοις --- to throw to the dogs
μεγάλη σου ἡ πίστις --- great of thee the faith
θέλεις --- thou desirest 

Although it could be argued that an original εξεστιν was displaced by
ἔστιν καλὸν or καλον εστιν under the influence of parallel account Mark 7:27
( where the manuscripts fluctuate between ἔστιν καλὸν and καλον εστιν ),
Committee regarded it as somewhat more probable that εξεστιν was
introduced into some of the Western witnesses in order to strengthen
Jesus' reply ( a heightening from what is appropriate or fitting to what is 
lawful or permitted ).

εξεστιν --- it is permitted, it is poosible, proper.
               Mark 3:4, 12:14,  ( without the necessity of supplying an inf. )


< Matthew 15:21-28 >
21 Then Jesus went from that place and withdrew to the region of Tyre and Sidon.22And behold, a Canaanite woman of that district came and called out, “Have pity on me, Lord, Son of David! My daughter is tormented by a demon.”23But he did not say a word in answer to her. His disciples came and asked him, “Send her away, for she keeps calling out after us.”24* He said in reply, “I was sent only to the lost sheep of the house of Israel.”25 But the woman came and did him homage, saying, “Lord, help me.”26He said in reply, “It is not right to take the food of the children* and throw it to the dogs.”27She said, “Please, Lord, for even the dogs eat the scraps that fall from the table of their masters.”28Then Jesus said to her in reply, “O woman, great is your faith!* Let it be done for you as you wish.” And her daughter was healed from that hour.


                                                               < Psalms 132:13,14,15 >

כִּֽי־בָחַ֣ר -- he chose for
בְּצִיֹּ֑ון -- to Zion
אִ֝וָּ֗הּ -- he desired her
לְמֹושָׁ֥ב -- for dwelling
מְנוּחָתִ֥י -- resting place of me
אִוִּתִֽיהָ --- I desired her
אֶ֝בְיֹונֶ֗יהָ -- poor ones of her
אַשְׂבִּ֥יעַֽ -- I will satisfy 

< Psalms 132 >
13 Yes, the LORD has chosen Zion, 
      desired it for a dwelling:
14“This is my resting place forever;
here I will dwell, for I desire it.
15I will bless Zion with provisions;
its poor I will fill with bread.

Matthew 15:28 
"Be it done for you as you desire."

5th Street between Harrison & Bryant in San Francisco
( Worship at 8:20 am )

Sunday Worship at 4:00 pm in the University Church at Stanford

Morning Worship at 7:00 am in 15th St. & San Bruno Avenue, San Francisco

Rev. Chongsoo Park & Sharon K. Lee at University Church,
1611 Stanford Aveunue, Palo Alto
Prof. John Park & Charles Rosh, and Pastors, Chongsoo Park and Sharon Lee

The University Church at Stanford, 1611 Stanford Avenue, Palo Alto
( Every Sunday Worship at 4:00 pm )

With Wester at left in front line, 5 years ago, in San Francisco

13 כִּֽי־בָחַ֣ר יְהוָ֣ה בְּצִיֹּ֑ון אִ֝וָּ֗הּ לְמֹושָׁ֥ב לֹֽו׃
14 זֹאת־מְנוּחָתִ֥י עֲדֵי־עַ֑ד פֹּֽה־אֵ֝שֵׁ֗ב כִּ֣י אִוִּתִֽיהָ׃
15 צֵ֭ידָהּ בָּרֵ֣ךְ אֲבָרֵ֑ךְ אֶ֝בְיֹונֶ֗יהָ אַשְׂבִּ֥יעַֽ לָֽחֶם׃

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